ebook by Adrian Morrison

I was going through my download folder on my computer to delete old and unnecessary files and I saw this PDF file so I decided to read it. This is an eBook by Adrian Morrison.
The ebook is called $20K per day ecom secrets - 5 simple steps to building your profitable ecommerce business.
After I finished reading and decided to look him up on the internet and it turns out he kinds of dropped off from the scene as his latest post on facebook was from 2018...
Anyways, this PDF was short and it really is just a sales pitch to his ecommerce course... so here they are the take away
Here is the ebook if you would like to read it, I am no way affiliate or associated with him and his products, and I really don't recommend it.
If you have spare time, read something else instead. Here are two books I'd recommend :
TL;DR in my own words
1. Nobody cares what you want. Look for what people want and give it to them.
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