How to create Google Services Accounts very quicky in Windows 10

How to create Google Services Accounts very quicky in Windows 10

Taken and recreated from 

GitHub - xyou365/AutoRclone: AutoRclone: rclone copy/move/sync (automatically) with thousands of service accounts

This page has a very detailed step by step.

My version lets you skip the reading and just do it.

  1. Download and install python
  2. Download tested and working file here. (including scripts) extract to a folder eg. C:\autorclone
  3. Delete pickle token first (if you have already installed before)

Go to google cloud console

  1. create project, select project
  2. API & Services, Enable APIs, Select Google Drive, Enable it
  3. API & Services, OAuth Consent Screen, select External, input name, 2 emails, next, next, next to complete, and on dashboard screen, select PUBLISH.
  4. API & Services, Credentials, Create Credentials, select OAuth client ID, download .json file and rename it to credentials.json into script folder. eg. C:\autorclone


Run the following 3 commands. (command prompt)

  1. pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
  2. py --quick-setup -1

    this will take you to authenticate step, just copy and paste the URL into a browser and give permission. Due to google cloud console and browser security sometimes this won’t work. I have provided the version that works, just bypass the security, give permission, then back to command prompt to complete (just hit enter) and it’s all good (tested)
  3. python --download-keys ProjectIDHere (replace with project ID)
    you might want to clear the accounts folders first if you have previously downloaded these accounts